Information Security Policy
TIS INTEC Group conducts itself in accordance with "OUR PHILOSOPHY" as the basic principle. In order to achieve what are aimed in OUR PHILOSOPHY, it is very important for TIS INTEC Group constituent members to maintain a highest standard of corporate morality over information security, and to protect customers' information assets including systems and data, as well as the Group's information assets as the management resources, from any threat whatsoever.
We hereby establish our Information Security Policy with the aim of ensuring proper protection of such information assets. Therefore, we will strive to adhere to this Policy.
In order to achieve the Mission in OUR PHILOSOPHY: "To brightly color the future as a mover that utilizes digital technology", it is essential for TIS INTEC Group constituent members to actively use information assets.
It is our social responsibility to deal with information properly and safely; and information security is the means to be implemented for this purpose.
We will promote information security measures by practicing these 3 important concepts for achieving the Mission:
- Being "Honest" as a Style, the basis upon which a corporation may conduct itself. In other words, honesty and sincerity.
- "Go beyond society" as a Policy (one of the Group's primary management policies), which means going beyond social norms and the expectations of society.
- "As a good member of society" as Membership, which is a guideline for the activities conducted by TIS INTEC Group constituent members.
Information Security Management Structure
The TIS INTEC Group has established and maintains a management system to addresses all manner of information security risks on a group-wide basis.
All companies under the TIS INTEC Group umbrella follow the Group Information Security Policy and implement the stated information security management structure as their own.
Compliance with laws and contractual requirements
The TIS INTEC Group respects information security-related laws, especially Japan's Personal Information Protection Law, and regulations, guidelines and contractual requirements linked to information security.
Establishing information security management regulations
The TIS INTEC Group handles the establishment of information security regulations and management standards for the Group, clearly describes the content to Group companies, and regularly reviews content to ensure suitability to the times.
Preventative measures
The TIS INTEC Group formulates suitable measures for the Group based on the results of risk assessments to protect all information assets entrusted to Group companies by customers as well as the Group's own information assets, management resources, from threats such as loss, mishaps, disasters and criminal activities. If by chance, however remote, an issue does arise, the cause will be identified and measures will be implemented quickly to minimize damage, and efforts will be made to prevent the issue from reoccurring.
Education and training
All executives and employees at Group companies attend education and training sessions designed to raise awareness of the importance of information security and to ensure that information assets are handled properly at each Group company.
Continuous improvement
To confirm that policy is respected, our information security management system undergoes regular evaluation and continuous improvement to ensure compliance with this policy
April 1, 2022
Yasushi Okamoto
TIS Inc.
Policy established July 24, 2002 and revised April 1, 2022