
Performance Forecast

Consolidated Performance Forecast (Fiscal 2025)

Unit Fiscal 2024
actual results
(Year ended March 31, 2024)
Fiscal 2025
(Year ending March 31, 2025)
YOY changes
Net sales Millions of yen 549,004 555,000 +1.1%
Operating income Millions of yen 64,568 66,500 +3.0%
Recurring profit Millions of yen 68,553 66,500 -3.0%
Net income attributable to parent company Millions of yen 48,873 44,800 -8.3%
Net income per share Yen 203.28 192.55 -5.3%

Net sales
TIS expects year-on-year increase in net sales, fueled by efforts to expand business activities through accurate responses to the digital transformation needs of clients.

Operating income
TIS will maintain a robust approach to growth investment, including investment in human resources. Operating income should rise year on year, reflecting measures to provide high-value-added services and boost productivity.

Net income attributable to owners of the parent
TIS is bracing for a year-on-year decrease in net income attributable to owners of the parent, reflecting such factors as a reactionary drop in non-operating income and extraordinary income recorded in the previous fiscal year.

Consolidated Performance Forecast by Business Segment (Fiscal 2025)

Business segments were reclassified as of fiscal 2023, ended March 31, 2023, following the application of a new approach to corporate management.

Net sales

Unit Fiscal 2024
actual results
(Year ended March 31, 2024)
Fiscal 2025
(Year ending March 31, 2025)
YOY changes
Offering Service Business Millions of yen 130,759 140,800 +7.7%
Business Process Management Millions of yen 41,953 43,000 +2.5%
Financial IT Business Millions of yen 106,304 98,500 -7.3%
Industrial IT Business Millions of yen 121,896 125,500 +3.0%
Regional IT Solutions Millions of yen 172,376 171,000 -0.8%
Other business Millions of yen 9,581 10,000 +4.4%
Intersegment elimination/adjustments Millions of yen -33,866 -33,800 -

Note: Sales by segment in the above chart include intersegment sales.

Operating income

Unit Fiscal 2024
actual results
(Year ended March 31, 2024)
Fiscal 2025
(Year ending March 31, 2025)
YOY changes
Offering Service Business Millions of yen 7,659 8,600 +12.3%
Business Process Management Millions of yen 4,551 4,500 -1.1%
Financial IT Business Millions of yen 15,185 12,000 -21.0%
Industrial IT Business Millions of yen 18,287 19,600 +7.2%
Regional IT Solutions Millions of yen 18,497 21,500 +16.2%
Other business Millions of yen 777 700 -10.0%
Intersegment elimination/adjustments Millions of yen -390 -400 -

Offering Service Business
Expect higher sales and higher income, reflecting expansion in settlement solutions and wide spectrum of other services as well as improved profitability in overseas operations.

Business Process Management
Despite efforts to shift business portfolio away from data entry services in favor or more priority areas, such as process optimization, sales may grow while income falls during the transition period.

Financial IT Business
Huge impact from reactionary drop in multiple large-scale projects for existing clients could result in lower sales and lower income.

Industrial IT Business
Higher sales and higher income are likely, owing to success in cultivating demand from existing customers, especially in manufacturing and service sectors, and capturing ERP-related IT investment demand.

Regional IT Solutions
Despite lower sales due to reactionary drop in sales year on year, improved productivity and successful efforts to reduce number of unprofitable projects should deliver higher income.

※For more information on the business activities undertaken in each segment, please refer to Business Activities by Business Segment.

The above performance forecast is based on information available to management at the time of preparation and certain assumptions that management believes to be reasonable. Such statements are not guarantees of future performance. Actual performance and other achievements may differ considerably from expectations due to various factors.
In addition, the most recent prediction of business results is presented, and these numbers may differ from the original forecast.


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Update : May 21, 2024, 15:29