
Board of Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members

As of June 25,2024

Board of Directors

Chairman and Director

Toru Kuwano


May 3, 1952
April 1976
Joined Toyo Information Systems Co., Ltd. ( currently TIS Inc. )
June 2000
Director of the Company
April 2004
Executive Director of the Company
April 2008
Executive Managing Director of the Company
April 2010
Executive Vice-President and Representative Director and General Manager of Financial Industry HQ of the Company
April 2011
President and Representative Director of the Company
June 2018
Chairman, President and Representative Director of the Company
April 2021
Chairman and Director of the Company (to present)
President and Representative Director

Yasushi Okamoto


March 3, 1962
April 1985
Joined Toyo Information Systems Co., Ltd. ( currently TIS Inc. )
April 2011
Executive Officer, Department Manager of Corporate Planning & Control Dept. of the Company
April 2013
Managing Executive Officer, Division Manager of IT Solutions Services SBU. of the Company
April 2016
Senior Managing Executive Officer, Division Manager of Industries & Solutions SBU of the Company
June 2018
Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer and Sector Director of Service Strategy Sector of the Company
April 2020
Director, Executive Vice President and Sector Director of Service Strategy Sector of the Company
April 2021
President and Representative Director of the Company (to present)
Representative Director, Executive Vice President

Josaku Yanai


November 14, 1963
April 1987
Joined the Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan, Limited
January 2000
Joined Toyo Information Systems Co., Ltd. ( currently TIS Inc. )
April 2009
Executive Officer, Department Manager of Corporate Planning & Control Dept., Corporate Planning & Control Div. of the Company
May 2015
Managing Executive Officer, Division Manager of Corporate Planning Division of the Company
June 2016
Director, Managing Executive Officer and Division Manager of Corporate Planning SBU of the Company
April 2018
Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer and Sector Director of Industry Strategy Sector of the Company
April 2020
Director, Executive Vice President and Sector Director of Industry Strategy Sector of the Company
April 2021
Representative Director, Executive Vice President of the Company (to present)
Representative Director, Executive Vice President

Shinichi Horiguchi


June 23, 1962
April 1987
Joined Toyo Information Systems Co., Ltd. ( currently TIS Inc. )
April 2013
Executive Officer and Division Manager of the Credit Platform Division of the Financial Industry SBU No. 1 of the Company
April 2017
Managing Executive Officer and General Manager of the Financial Industry SBU cum Division Manager of the Credit Platform Division of the Financial Industry SBU of the Company
April 2020
Senior Managing Executive Officer and officer in charge of Financial Industry SBU of the Industry Strategy Sector and General Manager of the Financial Industry SBU of the Industry Strategy Sector of the Company
General Manager of the Financial Industry SBU
April 2022
Senior Managing Executive Officer, General Manager of the Financial Industry SBU cum General Manager of the IT Platform SBU of the Company
April 2023
Senior Managing Executive Officer in charge of Corporate Planning SBU, Human Resources SBU, Corporate Management SBU, Technology & Innovation SBU, System Development & Quality Management Innovation SBU, General Manager of the IT Platform SBU of the Company
June 2023
Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer of the Company
April 2024
Representative Director, Executive Vice President of the Company (to present)

Takayuki Kitaoka


December 14, 1960
April 1984
Joined INTEC Inc.
April 2015
General Manager of BPO Division of INTEC Inc.
April 2016
Executive Officer, General Manager of Corporate Planning Division of INTEC Inc.
April 2017
Managing Executive Officer, General Manager of Corporate Planning Division of INTEC Inc.
April 2018
President and Representative Director of INTEC Inc.
June 2018
Director of the Company (to present)
April 2024
Chairman and Director of INTEC Inc. (to present)

Shuzo Hikida


October 24, 1964
April 1988
Joined INTEC Inc.
April 2015
Deputy General Manager, Network & Outsourcing Division of cum General Manager, N&O Business Promotion Division of INTEC Inc.
April 2018
Executive Officer, Deputy General Manager of the Metropolitan Industry SBU cum Department manager of the MCI Sales Department of INTEC Inc.
April 2019
Managing Executive Officer, Deputy General Manager of the Industry & Solutions SBU of INTEC Inc.
May 2019
Managing Executive Officer and General Manager of the Network & Outsourcing SBU of INTEC Inc.
April 2021
Senior Managing Executive Officer, in charge of the Distribution Service SBU and Network & Outsourcing SBU, and General Manager of the Network & Outsourcing SBU of INTEC Inc.
April 2022
Senior Managing Executive Officer in charge of the Distribution Service SBU, the Network & Outsourcing SBU and the Central / West Japan Industry SBU, and General Manager of the Network & Outsourcing SBU of INTEC Inc.
April 2023
Director and Executive Vice President of INTEC Inc.
June 2023
Director of the Company (to present)
April 2024
President and Representative Director of INTEC Inc. (to present)
External Director

Fumio Tsuchiya *


May 10, 1948
July 1971
Joined Japan Airlines Co., Ltd.
May 1999
Director and Section Manager of Personnel & Corporate Planning Section of JAL Hotels Co., Ltd. (currently Okura Nikko Hotel Management Co., Ltd.)
October 2002
Executive Officer, Deputy Section Manager of Corporate Planning Section of Japan Airlines System, Inc. (currently Japan Airlines Co., Ltd.)
June 2004
Director and Section Manager of Corporate Planning Section of Japan Airlines Corporation (currently Japan Airlines Co., Ltd.)
April 2006
Managing Director, in charge of PR & IR, Legal Affairs and General Affairs of Japan Airlines Co., Ltd.
June 2007
President & CEO of JALCard, Inc.
June 2010
Retired from JALCard, Inc.
August 2010
Section Manager of Internal Auditing Office of Faith, Inc.
June 2011
Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Member of Faith, Inc.
June 2017
Director of the Company (to present)
External Director

Naoko Mizukoshi *


September 23, 1967
April 1993
Joined Legal Training and Research Institute of Supreme Court of Japan
April 1995
Registered as a lawyer with Osaka Bar Association
Joined Miyazaki Sogo Law Office (currently Legal Professional Corporation Miyazaki Sogo Law Office)
April 1998
Registered as a lawyer with Yokohama Bar Association (currently Kanagawa Bar Association)
Joined Legal Department of Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
September 1999
Registered as a lawyer with Daini Tokyo Bar Association
Joined Legal Department of Autodesk, Ltd.
September 2002
Joined Legal Headquarters of Microsoft Co., Ltd.
Registered as a lawyer in the State of California, U.S.A.
November 2006
Joined TMI Associates
January 2008
Partner of TMI Associates
March 2010
Founded Endeavour Law Office
Partner of Endeavour Law Office
June 2018
Director of the Company (to present)
December 2018
Partner of Leftright Law & IP (to present)
External Director

Junko Sunaga *


September 25, 1960
April 1983
Joined NEC Corporation
January 1993
Seconded to NEC Electronics Inc.
April 1997
Joined Qualcomm International Japan (currently Qualcomm Japan, LLC)
November 2008
Senior Director of Qualcomm Japan, Inc. (currently Qualcomm Japan, LLC)
June 2016
Vice President of Qualcomm Japan, Inc.
April 2018
President and Representative Director of Qualcomm Japan, Inc.
President and Representative Director of Qualcomm CDMA Technologies GmbH
September 2018
Representative and President of Qualcomm Japan, LLC
President and Representative Director of Qualcomm CDMA Technologies GmbH
June 2023
Advisory Chairman of Qualcomm Japan, LLC
June 2024
Director of the Company (to present)

* Designated for Independent Director/Auditor as specified by the Tokyo Stock Exchange in Japan.

Please visit the following page for Skills Matrix for Board of Directors.

Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Audit & Supervisory Board Member

Makoto Tsujimoto


December 7, 1960
April 1983
Joined Toyo Information Systems Co., Ltd. ( currently TIS Inc. )
March 1991
Seconded to Toyo Information Systems (NY) Co., Ltd., Vice President
April 2010
Executive Officer, General Manager, IT Infrastructure Service Division of TIS Inc.
April 2013
Managing Executive Officer, General Manager, IT Infrastructure Service SBU of the Company
April 2015
Managing Executive Officer, General Manager of Public Services SBU of the Company
October 2018
Managing Executive Officer and General Manager of the IT Platform SBU of the Industry Strategy Sector of the Company
April 2019
President and Representative Director, QUALICA Inc.
April 2023
Advisor to the Company
June 2023
Audit & Supervisory Board Member of the Company (to present)
Audit & Supervisory Board Member

Hideki Kishimoto


November 27, 1964
April 1987
Joined the Sanwa Bank, Limited (currently MUFG Bank, Ltd.)
June 2013
Executive Officer, General Manager of USA Sales Department III, USA Division and General Manager of Los Angeles Branch, seconded to Union Bank, N.A., The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. (currently MUFG Bank, Ltd.)
July 2015
Executive Officer, General Manager of Compliance Division of The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. (currently MUFG Bank, Ltd.)
Executive Officer, General Manager of Compliance Division of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.
July 2018
Managing Executive Officer, General Manager of Regional Division (in charge of West Japan) of MUFG Bank, Ltd.
May 2019
Managing Executive Officer in charge of Kinki region of Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd.
June 2021
Managing Executive Officer of Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS Co., Ltd.
June 2022
Managing Executive Officer and Chief Compliance Officer in charge of Compliance Division and Legal Department of Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS Co., Ltd.
June 2023
Managing Executive Officer in charge of Internal Audit Department and Chief Compliance Officer in charge of Compliance Division and Legal Department of Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS Co., Ltd.
April 2024
Advisor to the Company
June 2024
Audit & Supervisory Board Member of the Company (to present)
External Audit & Supervisory Board Member

Yukio Ono *


January 1, 1950
March 1973
Joined Tohmatsu Awoki & Co. (currently Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC)
May 1985
Partner of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC
November 2010
Chairman of the Board of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC
October 2013
Deputy Chairman of the Accounting Standards Board of Japan
March 2014
Retired from Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC
April 2014
Chairman of the Accounting Standards Board of Japan
March 2019
Retired from Chairman of the Accounting Standards Board of Japan
April 2019
Founded and President of Accounting Offices of Yukio Ono (to present)
June 2019
Statutory Auditor of Tokyo Financial Exchange Inc. (to present)
June 2020
Statutory Auditor of Seikitokyu Kogyo Co., Ltd.(to present)
Audit & Supervisory Board Member of the Company (to present)
External Audit & Supervisory Board Member

Akiko Yamakawa *


April 5, 1973
March 1997
Entered Legal Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court of Japan
March 1999
Registered as a lawyer with the Dai-ichi Tokyo Bar Association
April 1999
Joined Komatsu Koma & Nishikawa Law Office
March 2000
Left Komatsu Koma & Nishikawa Law Office
April 2000
Joined Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP
January 2004
Registered as a lawyer with New York Bar
August 2017
Left Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP
September 2017
Founded and Partner of Vanguard Lawyers Tokyo, Partner (to present)
June 2020
Audit & Supervisory Board Member of the Company (to present)
External Audit & Supervisory Board Member

Hiroko Kudo *


February 28, 1968
April 1995
Full-time lecturer, Aichi Shukutoku University Faculty of Modern Society
April 1996
Part-time lecturer, Waseda University School of International Studies (now School of International Liberal Studies) (to present)
April 1998
Full-time lecturer, Waseda University School of Education
July 1998
Obtained Doctorate in Public Policy Studies from Venice University
October 2001
Visiting researcher, Cabinet Office Economic and Social Research Institute
April 2002
Audit Committee member, Chiyoda City
April 2003
Assistant Professor, Waseda University School of Education .
April 2005
Professor, Chuo University Faculty of Law (to present)
April 2008
Part-time lecturer, University of Tokyo Graduate School of Public Policy
April 2016
Senior visiting researcher, Ministry of Finance Policy Research Institute
May 2018
Visiting Professor, Newcastle Business School
April 2020
Visiting Professor, University of Ljubljana Faculty of Public Administration (to present)
June 2022
Audit & Supervisory Board Member of the Company (to present)

* Designated for Independent Director/Auditor as specified by the Tokyo Stock Exchange in Japan.

Please visit the following Skills Matrix for Audit & Supervisory Board Members.

Executive Officers

Senior Managing Executive Officer Kiyotaka Nakamura
Senior Managing Executive Officer Masahiro Ueda
Managing Executive Officer Naoto Kita
Managing Executive Officer Akira Ogane
Managing Executive Officer Satoru Tayasu
Managing Executive Officer Hidehiko Shimoyama
Managing Executive Officer Tsuneyoshi Ito
Managing Executive Officer Kyoko Takayanagi
Managing Executive Officer Isao Otokita
Managing Executive Officer Ikuo Shimizu
Managing Executive Officer Masakazu Kawamura
Managing Executive Officer Hidenori Yano
Executive Officer Yoshiyuki Hayashi
Executive Officer Kensaku Furusho
Executive Officer Reiko Oka
Executive Officer Tetsuya Yuzuri
Executive Officer Hiroyuki Kawai
Executive Officer Takuma Tanaka
Executive Officer Yukino Fuchigami
Executive Officer Kazuto Nakamura
Executive Officer Takashi Fujii
Executive Officer Kiichiro Sasaki
Executive Officer Sachio Yamada
Executive Officer Ken Nakamura
Executive Officer Masahiro Masumoto


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Update : June 25, 2024, 13:03