

OUR PHILOSOPHY represents the values of TIS INTEC Group.
It clearly and broadly delineates the thinking and ideals that TIS INTEC Group highly values in its group's management, corporate activities, and constituent members.
TIS INTEC Group's entire business revolves around OUR PHILOSOPHY.
We would like to provide you with an introduction to OUR PHILOSOPHY.

Mission To brightly color the future as a mover

The Mission is TIS INTEC Group's social role as well as raison d'etre. The word "mover" refers to the people who create objects,issues and systems that move our world to a new one. And, in this case, it refers to TIS INTEC Group and its constituent members.
As a mover that utilizes digital technology, TIS INTEC Group would like to be an entity that vividly colors the blank canvas of the future by providing novel potential and options that appeal to society.

Style "Honest" as a style

The basis upon which a corporation may conduct itself is, beyond anything else, the concept of being "Honest," in other words, honesty and sincerity. This is because being honest is essential for trust and the basic premise in value exchange with stakeholders.
Besides being honest, TIS INTEC Group also places great importance on styles such as "Open" and "Pioneering." This is what we believe and aim to consistently manifest in everything from our top management's decisions to all our corporate activities.

Policy Be there for people

TIS INTEC Group's most important management policy is "Be there for people," because a corporation is basically a gathering of people, and the stakeholders that encompass the corporation are people, too. Business management that forgets people will never lead to quality corporate activities.
In addition, TIS INTEC Group's other primary management policies include "Go beyond society," with TIS INTEC Group as a good member of society, going beyond social norms and the expectations of society, and "Move toward the goal," aiming toward purposeful business management.

Membership A good member of society

Membership is a guideline for the activities conducted by TIS INTEC Group constituent members.
It is comprised of "As a good member of society," "As a member who expresses her/his intentions and opinions," and "As a member that strives for progress."
The first, "As a good member of society," refers to the company wanting its members to strive to be good members of society beyond their existence as constituent members of TIS INTEC Group.
The other two guidelines want TIS INTEC Group members to express their existence humanly and demonstrate their unique characteristics and capabilities to their fullest extent.

What is a corporation? A social system that aims for happiness

There are various ways to think about the goal of a corporation, and corporate management can change greatly depending on how this is determined.
Based on TIS INTEC Group thinking in which "the corporation is a public instrument," with stakeholders we define the corporation as "a social system that aims for both happiness that contributes to social expectations and people's happiness via value exchange." Accordingly, the idea that the corporation exists for stakeholders and society is the foundation of all TIS INTEC Group's corporate activities.

What is growth? Moving towards our mission

Growth is defined as "increased realization of the mission" as well as "increased value-exchangeability" with the stakeholders. The former refers to how TIS INTEC Group improves its level of mission realization, namely, increasing the significance of TIS INTEC Group's social existence. The latter refers to enhancing the quality and quantity of value exchanged between TIS INTEC Group and its stakeholders, in other words, a higher degree of satisfaction for both parties.
TIS INTEC Group aims at the essential growth of these two.

Conceptual framework for OUR PHILOSOPHY

TIS INTEC Group Management Platform

For us, facing society is tradition

How good people live is how the TIS INTEC Group lives

Growth in Management


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Update : October 17, 2023, 14:59