
Responding to Climate Change

Of global environmental issues, climate change is of increasingly higher significance, and the TIS INTEC Group is responding from two angles, working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from business activities and promoting measures to address climate change through business activities.

TIS INTEC Group's Carbon Neutrality Declaration

The TIS INTEC Group aims to achieve carbon neutrality for its own greenhouse gas emissions by fiscal 2041, ending March 31, 2041, and net zero greenhouse gas emissions across its entire value chain by fiscal 2051, ending March 31, 2051.


  • Own greenhouse gas emissions:
    Achieve carbon neutrality (Scope 1 and 2) by fiscal 2041, ending March 31, 2041.
  • Greenhouse gas emissions across entire value chain:
    Achieve net zero emissions (Scope 1, 2, and 3) by fiscal 2051, ending March 31, 2051.

Previously, we targeted a 27.5% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from our business activities by fiscal 2031, ending March 31, 2031 (compared with fiscal 2020, ended March 31, 2020). This target received SBT certification from the Science Based Targets initiative as being consistent with the achievement level set under the Paris Agreement and is well below the 2˚C target.
This time, seeking to fast-track the Group's action plan to achieve carbon neutrality, we have obtained SBT 1.5˚C certification while forging ahead with efforts to achieve the 1.5˚C target of the Paris Agreement.

Initiatives to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions at Data Centers

The Group operates a data center business. This business accounts for more than 70% of the Group's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 1 and 2).

We are promoting enhanced energy efficiency and conservation through appropriate air conditioning management and renewal and improvement of equipment and facilities.From April 2023, all electricity used at the Group's four main data centers*1 (out of the 14 data centers owned by the Group) were derived from renewable energy sources, and the renewable energy utilization rate at these data centers were increased to 100%. We also reduce Groupwide GHG emissions by approximately 40% (compared with the fiscal year ended March 2022).
*1 Tokyo No. 4 Data Center, Osaka No. 2 Data Center, Osaka No. 3 Data Center, and Osaka No. 4 Data Center

In light of future changes in the market environment, including social conditions, government policies, and electric power company trends, we will purchase energy with less environmental impact at stable and appropriate prices. Our aim is to achieve carbon neutrality while operating clean data centers with reduced environmental impact.

In addition to these initiatives, we will install natural lighting, small-scale solar power generation systems, and rooftop greening at our data centers.

Natural light lighting (solar tracking equipment), solar power generation monitor rooftop, rooftop greenery image

Initiatives to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions at Offices

We are consolidating Group offices within each region and actively introducing renewable energy use at each office.
We have already begun using green power at head offices in Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka, and the Toyosu Office, and plan to gradually expand these efforts to other offices as well.
In addition, we will step up measures to save energy consumption at our offices, including by setting optimal air conditioning temperatures and having lights turn off automatically.

Targets and Results of GHG reduction in Scope1 and 2

*1 The reason for the increase in Scope 1 + 2 emissions in Fiscal2021 compared to the same period last year is due to the addition of data centers to be included in the calculation.
*2 Scope of data collection:
- Before fiscal 2024: TIS, INTEC, AGREX, QUALICA, AJS, TIS Solution Link, TIS System Service, TIS Tohoku, TIS Nagano, TIS West Japan, TIS Hokkaido, TIS Business Service (Company name have changed from TIS Total Services in April 2022), SorunPure, Chuo system(to November 2021), NEOAXIS (to March 2021), MFEC Public(from April 2022), Business Application(from April, 2022), Motif Technology Public(from April 2022), Hongson(from April 2022), MISO Digital(from April 2022 ), Prain Fintech(from April, 2022), Msyne Innovations(from April, 2022), Playtorium Solutions(from April 2022), and Data Café(from April, 2022 to June, 2022)
- After fiscal 2025: TIS INTEC Group (consolidated basis) as of July 1, 2024


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Update : October 16, 2024, 15:49