Environmental Policy
TIS established Basic Policy on Corporate Sustainability, based on OUR PHILOSOPHY, the Group’s basic philosophy, which encompasses the TIS INTEC Group, and set protection of the natural environment as one item in this policy.
TIS drafted an environmental vision, environmental declaration and environmental action guidelines.
Environmental Vision・Declaration・Action Guidelines
Environmental Vision
Through our corporate activities the provision of new services, we aim to be a company that provides vivid color to the future landscape of the global environment.
Environmental Declaration
We recognize that addressing global environmental issues is one of our most important priorities as a good member of society. In order to realize the mission of OUR PHILOSOPHY, we formulated our Environmental Vision to reflect our long-term environmental goals.
To achieve this vision, we established a set of Environmental Action Guidelines (listed below). Through our various corporate activities, all of our executives and employees will strive to reduce environmental impacts and foster protection of the global environment.
Environmental Action Guidelines
- Help protect the environment through our business
In all activities related to our business, we shall proactively provide services that foster environmental protection and make full use of digital technology to help address global environmental issues.- Climate change: We will address the increasingly important global environmental issue of climate change from two angles: reducingGHG emissions from business activities; and promoting measures to address climate change through business activities.
- Biodiversity: Recognizing that our business activities both benefit from and impact on biodiversity, TIS will pursue biodiversity protection initiatives in its capacity as a company providing IT-driven services.
- Resource recycling: In light of the current situation where unprocessed waste is polluting the natural environment and causing great damage to ecosystems, TIS will work to reduce and recycle waste from our business activities.We will also use IT to further reduce the amount of paper used so as to protect forest resources.
- Reduce environmental impacts across value chain*
As good members of society, all Group executives and employees shall strive to prevent pollution across the value chain and help reduce impacts on the global environment. With respect to corporate activities that impact the global environment, we shall share our responsibilities, redouble our efforts, and promote environmental protection activities based on a common awareness. - Compliance with environmental laws and regulations
We shall comply with environment-related laws and regulations, as well as agreements to which we have consented, and we shall manage our activities using the PDCA cycle. - Continuous improvement initiatives
In consideration of environmental risks and opportunities related to our business, we shall develop and implement an effective management plan. The plan will include environmental objectives and targets that conform to our environmental policy. In addition, we will make regular checks and, through reviews by management, work on continuous improvements of our environmental management system. - Communication and participation
By working rigorously to communicate our environmental policy and provide environmental education, we shall promote environmental protection with participation by all executives and employees. - Disclosing information and improving public trust
We shall strive to earn the greater trust of society by actively disclosing information both inside and outside the Group, and we shall make our environmental policy public.
*The TIS INTEC Group regards the value chain scope as all business-related activities, including product and service manufacturing, suppliers and business partners, the provision of products and services, and while these products and services are in use.