
Efforts to prevent harassment

Our Group does business not just in Japan but also in China, Thailand, Vietnam, and other countries. By operating in accordance with the laws, social security systems, and labor practices of the respective countries, we aim to meet our responsibilities as a member of the global community and boost our corporate value. Our employees are obliged to comply with countries’ laws and respect human rights. Moreover, under OUR PHILOSOPHY, all of the TIS INTEC Group’s officers and employees are expected to behave according to social norms and be good members of society, treating everyone involved in corporate activities with respect. Corporate culture is born out of correct action by each and every employee. A good corporate culture enables employees to perform with a high level of motivation and continue to provide higher value to society.

Regarding respect for human rights and diversity, the Group Code of Conduct explains the importance of treating all people involved in corporate activities with respect.
Harassment in the workplace is intolerable by the standards of both society and the TIS Group’s philosophy. Harassment not only harms the individual but creates disorder in the workplace and significantly impedes productivity.
The TIS INTEC Group is committed to eliminating harassment in the workplace. As a basic policy, we prohibit all forms of harassment and require directors and employees to behave in ways that are respectful of others.

Forms of harassment to be dealt with

  • Sexual harassment
  • Workplace bullying
  • Harassment related to pregnancy
  • Harassment related to childcare, nursing care, etc.
  • Harassment related to sexual orientation and gender identity
  • Other harassment or bullying that harms or disadvantages the dignity of others

Establishment of Harassment Prevention Regulations

We have set down Harassment Prevention Regulations to prevent harassment in the workplace and to foster and maintain a comfortable working environment. In addition to presenting specific examples that qualify as harassment, these regulations define the processes for reporting, investigating, and making judgments on behaviors deemed potentially inappropriate. It stipulates that disciplinary actions will be taken if inappropriate behavior is identified.

Harassment Helplines

We have created management rules for whistleblowing and developed processes for responding to harassment and legal and regulatory violations. We are using these rules and processes to prevent, detect, and correct inappropriate behaviors as early as possible. Contacts for reporting concerns have been set up within the compliance divisions and at a law firm with which we are contracted.

  • Whistleblowing line for the entire Group
  • Consultation line specifically for TIS
  • Whistleblowing line specifically for TIS
  • Dedicated harassment help line in the TIS HR division

Remedies and Prevention of Recurrence

When we receive reports, complaints, enquiries, etc., we conduct an investigation that includes interviews with the individual concerned and related parties. Based on investigation results, we deliberate on our assessment of the situation and possible solutions, implement appropriate remedial measures, follow up with the individual concerned, and institute disciplinary measures in accordance with internal rules. Further, to ensure that a similar situation does not occur, we notify the relevant parties of the facts of the situation and the measures taken and engage in monitoring to prevent a recurrence.

Harassment Awareness Activities

We aim to create an organizational culture that values civility and respect. To this end, we periodically conduct harassment awareness activities to ensure that all directors and employees have the right understanding of harassment.

  • Required compliance training for general managers and directors
  • Required compliance training for newly appointed managers
  • Line care and communication training for managers
  • E-learning for all employees
  • Workplace meetings on harassment (study sessions in all workplaces)
  • Distribution of harassment education videos
  • Publication of a compliance newsletter

Dialogue with Employees

Our Group guarantees freedom of association and employees' collective bargaining rights in accordance with the TIS INTEC Group Human Rights Policy. However, because no labor union has been formed to which most employees belong, employee associations have been established in individual Group companies as forums for dialogue with employees. Each employee association comprises all employees of that company and works to enhance communication and mutual understanding between the company and its employees and strengthen friendships among employees. The following legally required activities are conducted based on dialogue with employee representatives elected by employees at each office:

  • Confirm changes in employment regulations and personnel-related rules
  • Discuss internal policies (matters related to working environment and health of employees)
  • Conclude labor-management agreements with employee representatives
  • Collect employees' opinions through suggestion boxes
  • Engage in discussions about improvement requests from employees
  • Engage in discussions on reducing long working hours
  • Improve working environment through participation in health committees
  • Work to strengthen employee friendships


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Update : October 17, 2023, 14:51