
Diversity Management

Seeking to improve the quality of our key management resources-our people and our organization-and foster a corporate culture based on OUR PHILOSOPHY, we have established two management initiatives: our Diversity & Inclusion Policy and our Health Management Policy.

Message from Officer in Charge of Human Resources

Through our businesses, we address social issues and contribute to the realization of a vibrant future. This is the value inherent in our corporate activities. Social and economic conditions are complex, and the path ahead is unclear. Against this backdrop, various issues appear that cannot be solved with know-how accumulated to date. Given the ongoing labor shortage, it is imperative that we build an organization where each and every employee draws on individual qualities and experience to apply new concepts to overcome challenges and generate new ideas. This approach will accelerate structural transformation under a business model that is not conditioned upon an increase in human resources and allow TIS to achieve continuous improvement in corporate value. People drive structural transformation, and to enable them to demonstrate the good side of human nature, we must create a corporate culture that encourages cooperation and respects differences, beyond age and gender to encompass sense of values and lifestyle choices. We also want employees and all other stakeholders to be healthy in mind and body and seek to ensure the well-being of employees from a social perspective as well. Toward this end, we prioritize diversity and health management.

Yoshiyuki Hayashi
Director responsible for human resources strategy
Executive Officer and Division Manager of Human Resources SBU, TIS Inc.

TIS Intec Group's Diversity & Inclusion Policy

The TIS INTEC Group places importance on diverse human resources-people who demonstrate their personalities and express their intentions and opinions. We also emphasize mutual respect and encouragement and continue working to create flexible and constant change and unprecedented levels of value. To this end, we promote diversity and inclusion based on three themes: "diverse human resources", "health management"and "workstyle reforms".

Image of Diversity and Inclusion Policy


One of the universal objectives of OUR PHILOSOPHY, which details our basic principles, is to become a "dynamic organization in which spontaneous cultures and diverse personalities interact". This means an organization with people who can fully demonstrate their human qualities in such areas as opinions, intentions, thoughts, ideas, individual traits, spontaneity, and sensibilities.

"Diversity & Inclusion", regarded as essential for sustainable corporate value enhancement, is a core component of "Diversity Fusion", a concept that management should emphasize under OUR PHILOSOPHY. It is defined as a state in which diverse personalities are united to create constant change and new levels of value.

Image of diverse human resources

Click here for details

Image of health management

Click here for details

Image of workstyle reforms

Click here for details

Diversity & Health Management Promotion System

Working together with the Corporate Sustainability Committee, the Human Resources SBU of TIS will spearhead efforts to promote "Diversity & Health Management" in cooperation with each Group company. Activity policies, plans, progress updates, and the like will be deliberated and reported to the Corporate Sustainability Committee as appropriate.

Diversity & Health Management Promotion System

Chart of Diversity & Health Management Promotion System

Diverse Human Resources

The TIS Intec Group fosters the development of a corporate culture, systems, and infrastructure that enable employees with various differences to be themselves and maximize their “humanity*1.”

*1 Humanity: Human qualities in such areas as opinions, intentions, thoughts, ideas, individual traits, spontaneity, and sensibilities (as outlined in OUR PHILOSOPHY)
The current status and management impact of the active participation of women and other diverse human resources are regularly reported to the Management Committee, the Board of Directors, and the Corporate Sustainability Committee as matters requiring deliberation and reporting, creating opportunities for dialogue with management members.

Encouraging women to be more active in the workplace

The goal of the TIS Intec Group’s Diversity & Inclusion initiative is to build an organizational culture in which all employees can play active roles and grow with a desire to contribute. A key element of this initiative is to provide support to female employees so they can demonstrate their capabilities in their own way.

Activities at Principal Group Companies to Promote Greater Involvement of Women in the Workplace

In April 2016, the Act to Promote Women's Participation came into force in Japan. TIS INTEC Group formulated a plan of action, set the goals and made the content publicly available. Seven principal companies are implementing the following initiatives with the goal of increasing the ratio of female managers to 11% or higher in 2024.

<A summary of the plans formulated by 7 principal companies>

table of Activities at Principal Group Companies to Promote Greater Involvement of Women in the Workplace

Captured Highest Level of "Eruboshi" Certification based on Act to Promote Women's Participation

The TIS INTEC Group works to earn Eruboshi (L-Star) certification, bestowed by the Minister for Health, Labour and Welfare to corporations that excel in supporting the advancement of women.
This system evaluates companies in five categories--hiring, continuous employment, working conditions, such as working hours, the ratio of women in managerial positions, and career path diversity-set by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, with the score determining one of three grades.
Three Group companies (TIS, INTEC, and AGREX) earned Grade 3 certification (highest level) and four Group companies (QUALICA, AJS, TIS Solution Link, and TIS Chiyoda Systems) earned Grade 2 certification.

Promoting the Advancement of Women at TIS

TIS has been hiring and training engineers of both genders since its inception.We are working to develop a system and culture in which all employees, regardless of gender, can demonstrate their capabilities in their own way in all job areas and classes.
In November 2023, the Company announced its support for "Challenge Initiatives for 30% of Executives to Be Women by 2030."


① Executive candidate selection
We have created, and operate on an annual basis, a mechanism whereby top talent is identified as a Company-wide human resource to produce a continuous pipeline of managerial talent. Candidates for executives (officers), as well as for key personnel who will drive business, are selected from the various organizations as Company-wide human resources based on an evaluation of their potential or promise in terms of standards that will be required in future. We set a certain ratio of women candidates for selection and raise this every year. The selected candidates are provided with growth opportunities such as rotation across different departments to increase their experience, role model development, and coaching and strategy mentoring by external mentors, with the situation monitored by the Corporate Human Resource Development Committee. We also provide promotion support for women by selecting several of the women candidates to undergo special leadership training for women and assigning each an executive officer to accompany them as a mentor.

② Enforcement of promotion guidelines
We stipulate ratios of women employees in promotion recommendations and successful candidates for supervisor and management positions. Our goals are for the ratio of women employees recommended or promoted to be equal to or greater than the ratio of women employees who meet promotion requirements and to raise that ratio by 2% year-on-year.

③ Career development support for women
In the first five years of work, as well as at the milestone ages of 30, 40, 50, and 55, and times of promotion, TIS provides career design training to help female employees think about careers that are appropriate for that particular stage of their working lives, supporting women’s self-directed career development. Women in supervisor positions (one rank below management positions) meet with organization heads to discuss their careers and formulate training plans for promotion.

④ Management and organization awareness-raising
We conduct awareness programs to boost awareness and motivation in the workplace toward more active participation of diverse human resources.

  • A seminar on how managers should help their subordinates balance family and work, with the aim of helping diverse human resources thrive
  • Unconscious bias training (for managers and general employees)

Targets for promoting the advancement of women

Action Plan
Action period
April 1, 2020–March 31, 2024


① Incorporate guidelines, such as setting quotas for women, in the Pipeline Management Process, which systematically produces and develops candidates for executive positions and senior management positions, in order to develop female executive candidates
② Establish guidelines for the promotion of female employees and advance measures to raise awareness of candidates
③ Determine the status of average overtime hours (health management hours) of workers, including managers, for each month and provide corrective guidance as necessary

TIS Action plan for the promotion of women's participation

Promoting the advancement of mid-career hires

TIS has long promoted the hiring of talented mid-career professionals with diverse work histories and experiences. Accounting for around 21% of all employees and 29% of all managers, mid-career hires provide solid support for our business. Under our current medium-term management plan (2021–2023), we will continue actively recruiting mid-career professionals in order to accelerate the realization of our business portfolio and the structural transformation of our business. We have set a target*3 to increase the ratio of mid-career hires in management positions to a maximum of 34% by the final year of the plan, and will step up recruitment and promotion of core personnel accordingly.
We provide various types of support to help mid-career hires adapt to the work environment and maximize their abilities.

<Onboarding measures>

  • Fostering understanding of corporate culture and internal rules
  • Conducting regular assessments and post-hire interviews
  • Establishing a consultation service with career consultants
  • Providing opportunities for career change after employment
  • Responding to mismatches between job responsibilities and skills (addressed jointly by HR and the heads of relevant frontline organizations)

*3 We review our human resources portfolio plan based on our business plan and redefine targets each fiscal year based on the results of mid-career hiring.

Providing Employment Opportunities to the Disabled

Through SorunPure Inc, a special subsidiary, the TIS INTEC Group works to create work environments where disabled people can work with enthusiasm. SorunPure engages in office operations, health maintenance (in-house physiotherapists), and agriculture (Pure Farm) at five locations: Tokyo Head Office, Toyosu Office, Osaka Office, Nagoya Office, and Saitama Office. As of April 2021, it had a staff of 71 (including nine instructors).

At TIS, employees with various disabilities work on the same level as able-bodied people. We are working to develop systems and work environments that allow people with disabilities to work vigorously. We also have a teleworking system and a flextime system (without core hours), allowing employees to choose from a variety of workstyles according to their disability level and the nature of their duties. In addition, we have people in place who are trained to support employees with disabilities. These people conduct ongoing interviews and provide employment support in cooperation with outside support organizations as needed.

Promoting Employment for Seniors

The TIS INTEC Group is working to improve its systems and environments so that anyone who is willing to work can fully demonstrate his/her abilities, regardless of age.
TIS has introduced a Selective Retirement System, which allows employees to choose to retire at the age of 60, 63, or 65, depending on their life plans, work motivation, and wishes. Employees who wish to work after the age of 60 will be subject to the same job titles, compensation, benefits, evaluation system, and work system as before. Since there is no reduction in job content or compensation, many employees are highly motivated to demonstrate their abilities and achieve results even after the age of 60.
After reaching the designated retirement age of 65, employees who have achieved a certain level of performance can be rehired until age 70 if they so desire under our Elder Employee System. In such cases, contracts are renewed every year, and the same job title, treatment, benefits, evaluation system, and work system will be applied as before the designated retirement.
For middle-aged employees, whose lives, physical conditions, and life plans are becoming more diverse, we provide Life Career Training as an opportunity to reconsider their future lives and careers. Many people are motivated to continue working in the so-called age of 100-year life expectancy. For those who meet certain conditions, we established our Second Career Support System, under which we help the employees transfer elsewhere.

Sexually Oriented Diversity Initiatives (LGBT, etc.)

We are committed to creating an environment, culture, and framework in which employees from diverse backgrounds can feel satisfied. Reflecting this, we will work to ensure that employees with different sexual orientations, such as those from the LGBT community, can achieve self-fulfillment and excel.
In order to provide environments in which diverse human resources can work with peace of mind, we are developing systems that assume diversity with respect to sexual orientation and family status. At the same time, we aim to improve the quality of life (QOL) of our employees and their families by working to understand and embrace SOGI*4 and sexual minorities*5.
*4 SOGI: Abbreviation for sexual orientation & gender identity
*5 Sexual minorities: Minorities with respect to gender identity, sexual orientation, etc. (examples include LGBTQ and LGBT+).

System overview

(1) Definitions of marriage, spouse, children, and family

  • Marriage: Includes common-law marriage and same-sex marriage
  • Spouse: Include partners who do not file marriage notifications
  • Children: Includes children of partners
  • Family: Includes parents of partners

(2) Changes in application of various personnel regulations, systems, and allowances, and clarification of procedures

  • Congratulatory payments and condolence leave to be granted regardless of whether a marriage is registered or not, or whether it is a de facto marriage, same-sex marriage, or any other form of marriage.
  • Congratulatory payments at birth and child-rearing allowances to be paid for children eligible for care, regardless of type of marriage.
  • Use of vacation, leave of absence, and/or shorter working hours in order to raise children or provide nursing care is acceptable, regardless of type of marriage.

(3) System for medical treatment for employees who are uncomfortable with their gender identity

  • Addition of treatment for gender transition to acceptable reasons for using accumulated leave.
  • New establishment of leave for the purpose of gender reassignment treatment (10 days per year, 5 days with pay)
  • Establishment of shorter working hours (over 3-year period) and leave of absence (1.5-year period) for the purpose of gender transition treatment

Efforts to enhance understanding and acceptance

(1) Educational activities

  • Use of e-learning and training programs to disseminate accurate information about sexual minorities.
  • Provision of information to managers on diversity and basic responses.

(2) Establishment of consultation/inquiry desk specializing in SOGI

  • Acceptance of inquiries about using the Company’s SOGI-related systems.
  • Consultation on overall SOGI-related working environments.
  • Response to additional concerns and problems of individuals, superiors, and others regarding SOGI in general.


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Update : April 9, 2024, 15:47