The TIS INTEC Group engages local communities in a multifaceted assortment of activities that underscore its contribution to society from the perspective of a good corporate citizen.
Human Capital
Human Resources Strategy
Through robust investments in people, we strive to enhance the value of our human resources in ways that align with management strategy.
Engagement Strategy
We value employees’ motivation to contribute, build a corporate culture rooted in our management philosophy, and expand HR and compensation programs.
Diversity Management
Our Diversity & Inclusion Policy and Health Management Policy express our commitment to creating and empowering a diverse workforce.
Health Management
Our mission to realize a brightly colored future depends on the physical and mental health of our employees and a life enriched by work.
Workstyle Reform
We offer flexible work-style options and workplace environments designed to accommodate various tasks and productivity needs and enable employees to flex their skills.
Leveraging Human Resources
Through a coordinated set of recruiting, development, and allocation initiatives, we are building a talent portfolio designed to achieve our medium to long-term business goals.
Human Rights
Human Rights initiatives
We respect human rights in all our corporate activities, based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Human rights due diligence
We have established a human rights due diligence system in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Supply Chain
Initiatives for Business Partners
We recognize that our business partners are indispensable partners. Here is a summary of our main initiatives for our business partners.
Sustainable Procurement
We believe that, to effectively fulfill its social responsibilities, it is important to work across the entire supply chain in collaboration not only with Group companies but also with all stakeholders.
Multi-Stakeholder Policy
In corporate management, it is becoming more and more important to collaborate and co-create with diverse stakeholders. With this in mind, we are committed to collaborating appropriately with our multiple stakeholders.